Entries by admin

Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action

Multi-dimensional poverty and inequality continue to persist in Africa’s societies. The majority of African livelihoods rely on income from agricultural activities, which makes them vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. At the same time, the population on the continent is fast growing, which translates into rapid expansion of urban areas and associated infrastructural needs. […]

Congratulations to PhD students at the IESS!

Three students from the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies at the University of Ghana recently defended their PhD research. See their abstracts below: ALCADE CHRISTEL SEGNON ORCiD Thesis Title: Exploring agrobiodiversity-based climate change adaptation in semi-arid areas of West Africa:  a case study in Mali. ABSTRACT Semiarid regions of West Africa are hotspots of […]

Capacity building workshop: presenting and facilitating online

In September 2020 the ARUA-CD hosted two workshops aimed at increasing the capacity of those in our network to present and facilitate online. The workshop was delivered by Science Communication expert, Dr Tali Hoffman, and attended by colleagues within the ARUA-CD network and beyond. Course content can be found online here: Online skills – giving […]

Course: Communicating Science for Impact – 2021

Communicating your science to the right people, at the right times, and in the right ways, ensures that research has value and impact beyond academia, and that it supports positive change in policy, practice and behaviour. With a focus on humanising science, and the people who do it, this online course invites researchers to explore […]